As you are wrapping up this program year with Y Guides, and hopefully continuing on your Y Guides journey in one way or another, consider these thoughts from Thomas, a member of the Y Guides Advisory Board.
One of my favorite song lyrics is "you won't find moments in a box." This has been a good guide personally and serves as a great example of what the Y Guides program is and does.
Most kids probably cannot remember everything they received for their birthday, even a year or two ago. But ask those same children about a moment when their dad taught them how to do something or about a family trip, or reading together before bed and they will likely be able to recall the moment in detail. Simply put; time > things.
The Y Guides program is designed to set you up for success in creating moments. Your time at Camps Sea Gull and Seafarer and Camp Kanata, Winter Inning and Flight Day, certainly. But also a ride in the car together on the way to a Crew meeting, just you and your son/daughter, talking about the week. A first-time camping, bowling, going to the lake, cooking out or any other activity with your Crew that becomes a memory.
I hope that as you continue in this program you will keep in mind how much these moments you are creating will mean to your kids and to you. In that spirit, I would like to provide a thought to keep in mind on your journey together. When you are driving through the morning mist at Kanata as you leave after your third-year overnight, or taking a final lap by the Neuse River before heading home after a third-year at Camp Sea Gull, your little one chattering about all they have done at Camp, it will hit you that this time is over. Yes, there are ways to stay involved with our program after your third year (Trailblazers and Camp Rockmont are great!). But that first time through the program will always be something different and special.
Trust me when I say that on that last day it will be important to realize you did everything you could to be present and involved in the years you had.
I look forward to seeing you all during your Y Guides journey.