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First-Year Dads Training


Join the Y Guides team to learn more about your first-year in Y Guides. This dads-only training is required for all dads joining a new first-year Crew.   It is important that all first-year dads attend this yearly training, even if they have been in the program before. You will receive information about your yearly supplies, updates about the program and a schedule of events for the year ahead. We are offering this training in-person on three dates and we encourage dads to attend this meeting in-person. 

2024 First-Year Dads Meeting Dates

McKimmon Center, Raleigh
Tues., Sept. 3, 7 - 8 p.m.
1101 Gorman St., Raleigh

University Club, Durham
Tues., Sept. 10, 7 - 8 p.m.
3100 Tower Blvd., #1700, Durham

YMCA Corporate Offices, Raleigh
Tues., Sept. 17, 7 - 8 p.m.
801 Corporate Center Drive, Ste. 200, Raleigh

YMCA Camp Kanata, Wake Forest
Tues., Sept. 24, 7 - 8 p.m.
13524 Camp Kanata Rd., Wake Forest