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Beat the Heat

June 5, 2013

Looking for ways to outsmart Mother Nature during the summer? The Y offers hundreds of ways you can beat the heat.

6 ways to keep your cool

#1 Swimming
What better place to swim than the YMCA? We have indoor and outdoor pools, swimming lessons for babies, kids and adults, water fitness classes and dedicated lap lanes throughout the day. Summer is when a YMCA membership can really pay off with visits to our outdoor pools, spraygrounds and water slides.

#2 Move Inside
YMCAs offer hundreds of indoor – meaning, air-conditioned – group fitness classes each month. Try Zumba, or Trekking, or Hip Hop Dancing. And most Ys offer an indoor track for walking or running too.

#3 Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
Did you know you can become dehydrated even while swimming? Drink water during the summer and keep drinking it.

#4 Wear Sunscreen
No matter what you are doing outside - running, playing with your kids or just sitting on the porch - wear sunscreen every day and make it at least SPF 30. Since sunburn reduces your body’s ability to stay cool, wearing sunscreen can reduce the risk of a heat-associated illness, such as heat stroke.

#5 Be Smart Outside
If you love the great outdoors, try not to overexert yourself in the middle of day. Save the long training sessions for early morning or dusk when the temperature and the heat index are lower.

#6 Leave the Oven Off
Try fresh new recipes that don’t use the oven, like salads and sandwiches. Looking for new recipes? Check out our Healthy Recipes for new favorites.