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Calling all Third Years!

July 31, 2015

Third-Year Dads,

You are about to begin another amazing year in Y Guides with your child, with a focus on service. This year you will have the opportunity to help build your child’s foundation of being selfless.

What started as one dad’s idea has turned into an event partnering with Stop Hunger Now. We hope to kick off your year of service with an event that will not only earn you your first totem piece, but give your child a hands on opportunity to make a difference in the world.  

Stop Hunger now is based out of Raleigh and has the sole mission of ending world hunger in our generation. We hope to package over 18,000 meals that will be sent overseas where it is needed the most. Check out this page to get an overivew of what we will be doing! 

Event Details

The event will be held Sunday, September 13 at the Scott Building at the NC Fairgrounds. There will be three shifts to choose from: 2, 3 and 4 p.m.  

How to Sign Up

Spots are limited, please sign up here.

Each pair will need to bring $10 to the event to cover the cost of supplies, cash only please.  You will also get a special Stop Hunger Now patch for participating.