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Confidence. Character. Skill. For All.

November 4, 2019

Through your experiences with Y Guides, you have seen first-hand how this program builds confidence, character and skill development, not only in children, but in dads too. Y Guides BUILDS PEOPLE. But it's not just Y Guides that builds people. Every day, the YMCA of the Triangle Association is impacting the community on a larger scale through Youth Development, Healthy Living and Social Responsibility. Yes, the money raised during the YMCA's Annual "We Build People" Campaign is helping to make Y Guides available to others, but that same money is doing So. Much. More.

Make Your Tribe Pledge Today!

Jesse's story

Meet Jesse. Jesse is a young man whose life experience has been significantly different than that of many of the young people who participate in Y Guides. Unlike most of our program participants, Jesse has no father figure in his household. But because of money raised during the Annual Campaign, Jesse is able to participate in the Lightner Y Achievers program, which has provided him with a support system that has helped him build confidence and has inspired him to pursue a career as a filmmaker. Jesse's mom says that the YMCA "is like a second parent for me. Being a single parent, it is not easy being able to reach your child on every level. I sleep better at night knowing that the Y is teaching him how to make a difference in the world."

Your experiences with Y Guides and Jesse's experiences with Y Achievers may look vastly different, but both are made possible because of the YMCA's mission to serve all

Where Your Donations Go

You already know that your donations will give more dads the opportunity to spend intentional one-on-one time with their kids through Y Guides, but they'll also give teens like Jesse the support needed to discover their dreams. Through LIVESTRONG, your donations provide cancer survivors, like Jen, with the extra energy they need to get life back on track after treatment. Campaign-funded programs like Swim For Life teach kids, like James, the foundational skill of safety around water. Academic support programs like Y Learning are made possible through the Campaign too. And it's through these programs that kids, like Atiq, gain the leadership skills they need to become counselors at Camp High Hopes, which helps prevent summer learning loss.

Help us Reach our Goal!

There's still a lot of work to be done in order for Y Guides to reach its goal of 250 tribe pledges for a total of $160,000. Every dollar is important. Will your tribe help us? As a reminder, your tribe can make its pledge when you attend Fall Outing at Camp Kanata OR by completing this online tribe pledge form

If you'd prefer to make a pledge as an individual rather than with your tribe, you may do so by clicking here

We are grateful for the opportunity to strengthen the foundations of our community with you!