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Fun & Healthy Treats for Your Tribe Meetings

October 23, 2013

Keeping your tribe healthy does not have to be a chore. These fun and easy recipes are sure to be a hit with your Princesses/ Guides at your next tribe meeting. 

Sweet Potato Chips
This snack is packed with vitamins and minerals and has less calories and fat than regular potato chips. All you need are sweet potatoes, olive oil, some spices, and salt! Make ahead of time and just grab them and go! View the full recipe here

Snack Pretzel Stack
This is the perfect mix of salty and sweet that your Princesses/ Guides love. Just grab a bag of your favorite pretzels, banana slices, peanut butter and some dark chocolate chips. No baking needed! You could even make these with your tribe; they are great for all ages. Get the recipe here

It's no secret that kids love smoothies. Big Guides, you can love all the vitamins, protein, and fiber that they are getting from them! Here are some great smoothie recipes for all kids (even those with food allergies!) You can even make a big batch and stick them in the freezer to serve just in time for your tribe meeting! Enjoy

Turkey Pinwheels
Turkey Pinwheels are a hit with Big and Little Guides (princesses love them too!) Make them quick before a meeting, a few days ahead of time so you can just grab them and go, or, since they are so easy to make, you can make them with your tribe! Get some fruit and a carrot stick to make your pinwheels into a flower or windmill! Get the recipe and more ideas here

Frozen Grapes
This treat is a cinch. No recipe needed! Just throw the grapes in the freezer the night before your meeting and voila, you have a nutrient-packed snack that your tribe will gobble down! 

Hauntingly Healthy Halloween Snacks
Having a tribe meeting around Halloween or attending Fall Outing this weekend? Bring these treats and your tribe will be screaming with excitement! Ghost Toasts, Banana Ghosts, and Monster Mash Dip are all easy to make and FULL of healthy nutrients! 

Have healthy snack ideas that you have done with your tribe? Share them with us on our Facebook or Twitter Page!