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Second Year Lanterns

August 31, 2018

An important element of the second year of Y Guides is the Lantern Ceremony during Fall Outing at Camp Kanata. This is your opportunity to help welcome the newest Y Guides participants to the program.

Every second-year has the opportunity to build and decorate their very own lantern. It's simple! Just find a broom handle around your house or pick up a replacement broom handle from a local hardware store (make sure it is made of wood). We welcome you to decorate it any way you choose, and can’t wait to see each pair’s creativity! Your second-year kit will provide everything else you need: the lantern, the eyehook that will be screwed into the end of the pole, the carabineer on which the lantern will hang. If you decide to pre-fill your lantern before coming to camp, please use kerosene. If you don't have access to kerosene we will have some at camp.

The cost of the lantern is included in your second-year program fees and you will receive it as well as the tool kit with your 2nd year supplies.  Please bring your assembled lantern pole and attached lantern to the Fall Outing.

You will also be able to use your lantern on future camp outing events and will serve as a special memento of your time with Y Guides.

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Lantern Assembly Instructions_0.pdf 472.07 KB