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Spring Outing Tips and Tricks

March 13, 2018

Hello Fellow Y Guides!

   My name is Lauren Coleman. I started the Y Guides Program 12 years ago as a princess with my Dad. My Dad and I joined the Longbow council volunteer group because we wanted to give back to a program that had given so much to us. Over the years I have picked up a few tips and tricks along the way to help make Spring Outing the best experience possible because the real magic of the program starts right here with you! 

Top 10 Tips for Spring outing

1.      Be prepared and make sure that you have everything on the packing list. It’s always a good idea to bring a rain jacket.

2.      Carpool with others from your tribe.  It’s always more fun to ride with friends.

3.      Coordinate with other members of your tribe to bring water and snacks for the cabin.

4.      Depending on the weather, break extra blankets and layers. You can never tell what the weather is going to be like in Arapahoe, NC. 

5.      Bikes are fun to have around camp. Scooters are not the best because of the gravel roads.

6.      Bring some field games or balls to play with during downtime. But make sure to put your name on it so it doesn't find a new home.

7.      Card games, board games, and movies are fun activities to do at night in the cabin or if it rains.

8.      Once you get to camp, do not worry about the little things or work. Take time to enjoy the weekend with your child and tribe. It is a great bonding experience, and one they will never forget. So make it great!

9.      Get out of your comfort zone and try something new. Chances are good that the zip line will not look as high from the bottom. 

10.  Encourage your child to make new friends. This is a time for your tribe to really get to know one another and make those lasting relationships.