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We Build People 2020

October 12, 2020

The YMCA of the Triangle is committed to improving community health, developing community leaders and supporting achievement for all. But we can't do it alone. There are a number of constituents in our community who need a financial boost in order to participate in YMCA programming. That's where the Annual Campaign comes in. 100% of the dollars raised during each year's Annual Campaign is invested back into our community, allowing us to open our doors even wider.

Now, more than ever, the community needs the YMCA. 

COVID-19 dramatically impacted the YMCA of the Triangle. We've suffered significant economic loss and setbacks due to suspending Y operations and delivering limited services. Yet, our Y has spearheaded efforts to support our neighbors during the pandemic. 

We Need You. Help us sustain the Y, advance racial equity and inclusion for all and continue to strengthen the foundations of the community.

Think about the meaningful experiences you've had the opportunity to enjoy with Y Guides: The Lantern Ceremony at Camp Kanata; Playing games, singing songs and making crafts during Crew meetings; One-on-one time with your child; Riding your bike at Spring Outing. You name it. The value and impact of the Y Guides experience are immeasurable. Wouldn't it be great if everybody had the opportunity to participate?

This fall, Y Guides has a goal of raising $120,000 during our Annual Campaign. The money we raise will give dads who wouldn't otherwise be able to afford it the opportunity to spend quality one-on-one time with their children, strengthening the father-child bond. We hope that your Crew will consider making a donation by following these three easy steps:

Create your fundraising page

We're excited to introduce a new fundraising tool this year: Classy! Classy will allow each Crew to create their very own fundraising page. Get your Classy page started by clicking here. Once you've created your page, each Crew can make their donation. 

set your goal

Use one of your fall Crew meetings to decide how much you'd like to raise. Suggested amounts:

  • A donation of $324 will allow a father-child pair to attend a weekend at Camp Sea Gull or Seafarer for Spring Outing.
  • A donation of $500 will earn your Crew Golden Feather Society recognition.
  • A donation of $1,000 earns your Crew Chairman's Round Table recognition.
  • A donation of $1,500 earns your Crew Captain's Circle recognition. 

Share your fundraising page via social media and allow others to help you reach your goal! 

earn a patch and/or bear claw!

Each Crew that creates a Classy fundraising page earns Bear Claws! Each Crew that donates to the Annual Campaign earns patches! Pick up your bear claws and patches at Fall Outing.

Want to do it the "old-fashioned" way? That's okay too! If your Crew would prefer not to create a Classy fundraising page, but wants to fill out a pledge card instead, you can still do that! Pledge cards can be completed when your Crew comes to Camp Kanata for Fall Outing. 

Make a pledge instead

 If your Crew does not want to create a Classy fundraising page, but wants to make an Annual Campaign pledge instead (the “old-fashioned” way), you can fill out a pledge card at Fall Outing or make an online pledge here

That's all there is to it! We're excited to see you at Fall Outing and to celebrate the Annual Campaign with you. Thanks for helping us to strengthen the foundations of our community by providing YMCA programming for all