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Y Guides Gives

November 20, 2020

With this season of gratitude comes a season of giving and we're challenging you and your Crew to join us for #YGuidesGives! 

Over the next couple of months, we want you and your Crewmates to participate in an act of service for our community. There are plenty of great ways that you can do a good deed while remaining safe and socially-distant! We want to see your most creative ideas, but here are a couple of resources that we know of that might help get you started:

Activate good

There are many local folks – families as well as individuals – who do not have sufficient access to many basic household and personal care resources. Getting supplies like these has been even more difficult throughout the pandemic – and even more important! Volunteers of all ages can help by grabbing a few extra items on the next trip or order and pre-assembling kits for our Community Partners to distribute in their networks! Make this a project you do from home, and share with your Crewmates, networks and friends! Learn more about how you can participate in these easy and impactful acts of service. 

Family food distribution

The YMCA of the Triangle is partnering with Wake County to provide regional food hubs for meal distribution for families in Wake County. Through this partnership, we will be providing 1-2 weeks' worth of shelf-stable and fresh food at select locations throughout the rest of the year. Families can visit any of our locations and receive food at no cost. These distributions began in September and will continue through December. Volunteers are needed at each of our hub locations (ages 12 and under may participate when accompanied by an adult volunteer). Learn more about how you and your Crew can sign up to volunteer during food distribution dates throughout December. 

sharing our holidays

Each year, YMCA of the Triangle branches support neighboring families in need to brighten their holiday season. While current conditions have modified traditional plans in many cases, there are still gift-giving opportunities across the Triangle. In most cases, the children are participants in YMCA outreach programming such as Camp High Hopes, Y Learning or scholarship-supported Scholastic Support Centers. 

Learn more about branch plans below and contact branch staff with any questions. Thanks so much for your generous consideration.

share with us!

Whether you participate in Activate Good, Family Food Distribution, supporting a YMCA branch, or come up with your very own act of service, we want to hear about it! Be sure to share your pictures and tell your stories by sending an email to or tagging us on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. We will have a VIRTUAL PATCH to send you that you can use as the background for your laptops, tablets, or phones.