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Y Guides Spring Events Update

April 6, 2020

Last updated on Friday, May 1 at 4:30 p.m.

Y Guides Families,

Thank you for the outpouring of support you’ve given us as our YMCA and our community continue to navigate the COVID-19 outbreak. News, updates, recommendations and information are ever-changing, and our Y is working as quickly as possible to make decisions based on the current situation.

Per guidelines from the CDC, as well as state and local officials, Y Guides has postponed all 2020 Spring Outing Weekends. 

Our rescheduled Spring Outing dates are as follows:

  • Friday, Aug. 21 - Sunday, Aug. 23
  • Friday, Aug. 28 - Sunday, Aug. 30
  • Friday, Sept. 4 - Sunday, Sept. 6
  • Friday, Sept. 11 - Sunday, 13
  • Friday, Sept. 18 - Sunday, Sept. 20
  • Friday, Sept. 25 - Sunday, Sept. 27
  • Friday, Oct. 2 - Sunday, Oct. 4

We intend to offer a Raft Race experience for third-years during each of the above options. 

Registration process

Once you've learned your new Spring Outing assignment, you will fall into one of two categories:

  1. You already registered for Spring Outing. If this is the case, no further action is required on your part. 
  2. You have not yet registered for Spring Outing (or you canceled and would like to re-register). If this is the case, you will need to register and submit payment online. The cost is $188 per person.

Stay Connected with Y Guides…

Looking for ways to stay active at home? Last week, our YMCA launched our Virtual YMCA. Check it out for great resources and fun ways to engage your spirit, mind and body.

And be sure to stay plugged into Y Guides’ social media channels too. We’ve got some tricks up our sleeves to ensure that you and your family can stay engaged – and maybe even ways to earn patches virtually. Like, follow or post and tag us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter and join in on the conversation and fun!

We truly hope that you and your families stay well during this uncertain and unprecedented time.

Between Spring Outing, Camp Rockmont, Our Y Guides Weekend and Fall Outing, the Fall of 2020 will be an extremely busy one, but we believe it will give Y Guides families a much-needed opportunity to share in fun and adventure when we can all be together once again.

Stay safe. Stay healthy. We’ll be in touch soon.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact or call 919-719-9695.