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News and Events

October 19, 2016
Y Guides @ NC State Basketball Calling all third year tribes! You can see an NC State Men's Basketball game for free by volunteering prior to tip-off. NC State needs 12 people (6 father/child pairs) to distribute the complimentary Game Day programs as fans enter the PNC Arena. The designated tribe n… read more
October 7, 2016
First & Second Year Fall OutingAfter careful consideration with Camp Kanata staff, we have decided to reschedule this Sunday's Fall Outing. Despite favorable conditions forecasted for Sunday afternoon, there are concerns for safety and Camp readiness due to heavy rain and high winds on Saturday.… read more
August 26, 2016
Second year dads, we hope that you are enjoying the summer. We are gearing up for another amazing year with Y Guides!This is a reminder about your upcoming program fees that are due by Monday, August 29 to avoid additional fees.  Log onto your YMCA of the Triangle account to pay this year's Y Guides… read more
August 16, 2016
Glowing StonesAs dads gear up for the Tribe Formation Meeting at the start of a new Y Guides year, meeting other dads and beginning the one-on-one journey with their child, it can be difficult to think past the first year in Y Guides. Dads may wonder where the journey will take them and whether it i… read more
June 2, 2016
Through the Y Guides program, tribes become closer and more connected to each other and the community. During the first two years, tribes are focused on growing and creating a bond that can last a lifetime. During the Third Year, the year of service, tribes are encouraged to go out into the communit… read more
May 3, 2016
Through the Y Guides program, tribes become closer and more connected to each other and the community. During the first two years, tribes are focused on growing and creating a bond that can last a lifetime. During the Third Year, the year of service, tribes are encouraged to go out into the communit… read more