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In-Person Captains Meeting

Calling all second- and third-year Captains! At the Fall Captains Meeting, you will learn about Fall Y Guides event opportunities, receive second- or third-year kits (including patches and handbooks) and meet Y Guides' Community Partners who have incredible activities and ideas for you and your Crew.

*We will only give program kits to those who have paid their program fees. As a returning Y Guides participant, making your payment is as simple as logging into your online account and completing the payment process. 

We will offer two Captains Meetings in September. One will be offered in-person, while the other will be held virtually. Captains can choose to attend either night. We offer two of these meetings for convenience and to ensure that each Crew has representation. If the Captain is unable to attend this meeting, please appoint someone from the Crew to attend in his place.

2021 DATES

Tuesday, Sept. 7 at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh (7 p.m.)
Tuesday, Sept. 21 on Zoom (7 p.m.)


McKimmon Center
1101 Gorman St.
Raleigh, NC 27606

Sept. 21 zoom info

Click here to register for the Virtual Captains Meeting.