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COVID FAQs for Spring Outing

We are looking forward to having you at our Spring Outing On 2022 On Tour.

Ensuring a safe Camp experience requires a partnership among all of us. Our top priority is to keep our families, volunteers and staff safe. In light of our current reality, we have elevated our medical protocols and practices using recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), American Camp Association (ACA), North Carolina State Health and Human Services, Pamlico County Health Department, and with guidance from our Camp Medical Advisory Committee. 

As always, we will continue to monitor guidance from the CDC and the State of North Carolina. We recognize that COVID-19 guidelines will change as the landscape changes, and will adapt our programming and protocols accordingly.


To minimize illness at Camp, all participants (dads and kids) must monitor their temperatures and symptoms daily beginning 5 days prior to arrival at Camp. Please use this form to track your temperature and screen your symptoms. Participants are not required to provide documentation of a negative COVID-19 test upon their arrival at Camp. (updated 4.26.22) 

  • Use this form to track your temperature and screen your symptoms. 

Arrival at camp

What is required at check in?
Upon arrival, all participants, dads and kids, will:

  • Be asked to verbally confirm that each participant completed the 5-day temperature and symptom check and was fever- and symptom-free during that time.
  • Have their temperature taken upon arrival. If anyone’s temperature is 100.4 or greater, the entire car will not be allowed entry into Camp. Please keep this in mind as you make your transportation and carpooling plans.

while at camp

Do I have to wear a mask at Camp?
As mask mandates continue to evolve, we will continue to follow CDC and NCDHHS Guidelines.  Masks will be optional but welcomed for any and all who feel most comfortable wearing one.

Do we need to do any health screening while at Camp?
We encourage all participants, volunteers and staff to monitor their health while at camp. If you believe you might have symptoms or a fever, please visit the camp nurse for guidance.

Will there be a nurse on-site?
Yes. A nurse will be on-site during your stay. We will provide an emergency contact number for you to call as needed. Basic triage needs only will be available. 

Helpful Documents

5 Day Screening Form