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Dads are Special

January 19, 2016

A few weeks ago we received a phone call from Savannah Strickland, a senior in high school, who had participated in the Y Guides program with her dad. She was talking about how much fun she and her dad had in the program and how she wanted to do something special for her dad for Christmas. She informed us that she and her friend Margaux wanted to give their dads a gift they would never expect, one last weekend at Spring Outing. Both being in their senior year of high school, they saw Spring Outing as an opportunity to give back to their dads what they gave to them for so many years. We asked Savannah and Margaux some questions about their time in the program and their memories with their dads; their responses are below.

What is your Y Guides name and what is your dad’s Y Guides name?
Sparkling Star and Hungry Bull
Savannah: Sleeping Beauty and Rising Sun

When did you start in the program and when did you end?
We started in 2003 and ended in 2009
Savannah: Kindergarten 2002 until 6th grade 2010

What is your favorite memory with your dad?
Margaux: Going to Camp Sea Gull on the retreat one year when my dad promised me months before that he would go on the zip line with me. That weekend the high was 65 and he kept his promise and still went down it with me in the freezing cold.
Savannah: My dad is huge fan of doughnuts. This past summer my daddy and I went to Carolina Beach and split a dozen hot doughnuts from Britt’s Donut Shop. Although this may seem small, it was bonding time and it was funny telling my mom we had eaten that many doughnuts in such a small amount of time.

What was your biggest take away from the program?
How to communicate and work together with my dad.
Savannah: Always make time for your family. One day they might not be there for you to confide in and laugh with. Dads are special. They provide for you as well as hang out with you like a best friend. I couldn’t ask for a more loving and caring daddy.

Why do you want to come back for Spring Outing?
Margaux: My dad and I don't spend as much time together like we did when I was younger because we both are busy, so I think that the outing will bring back great memories for both of us and allow us the spend time together.
Savannah: I always remember going to the bonfires and singing camp songs with my dad and friends. Margaux and I one time lead a song in front of the whole camp… I remember it had something to do with pee running down your leg. Haha!