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We Did It!

November 25, 2019

Pals & Friends,

We did it! On Thursday night, Nov. 21, Y Guides - along with the rest of the Association's Program Branch, which includes Youth and Government, YOTA Swim Team, Lightner Y Achievers, Super Skippers, and Academic Support Programs - celebrated the conclusion of our Annual "We Build People" Campaign. Six weeks ago, we set sail on the campaign season with a $273,000 APB goal. On Thursday we announced that we exceeded that goal by raising $283,070!

As of now, 154 Y Guides tribes have pledged for a total of $148,150. We know that there are still several tribes out there that are deciding how much they're going to pledge and we will continue to accept pledges through Dec. 31. If you haven't yet, feel free to make your tribe pledge online. We still have some work to do for Y Guides to meet it's $160,000 goal. Let's make it happen!

We're grateful for all of our volunteers and donors who made an intentional decision to make a difference in our community by making a pledge. With your help, we'll be able to provide YMCA programming for even more people. Thank you for prioritizing the importance of making the Y available for all. 

We're looking forward to seeing you soon at Winter Inning on Sunday, Jan. 12 and at our Polar Bear Swims in January and February