Our 2023 Captain’s Challenge encourages dads and kids to “Choose your own Adventure” through the Y Guides program and beyond. By spending intentional time together, Big Guides and Little Guides can share an exciting adventure and build on strong relationships, service to our community, and memories that will last a lifetime. Below, you’ll see three activities for dads and kids to complete together as part of their adventure. Get creative, lean in and have fun! If you complete the Captain’s challenge, stop by the Y Guides store at Spring Outing and pick up a Captain’s Challenge patch. Also, if you see Captain Lighting Bear out and about, please be sure to share stories of you with him.
Don't forget to print and complete the activity sheet!
Choose your on Adventure! It’s as simple as 3, 2, 1.
3 Visit three city/county/state parks that you haven’t visited before. Father and child should plan their adventures together and check out all the cool activities you can do—playgrounds, mountain bike trails, historic buildings, skate parks, a BMX track, sailboats, paddle boats and frisbee golf. Be adventurous and explore! Log your adventures on the back of this sheet. • Snap a photo of you and your crewmates enjoying the great outdoors. • If you share your photos on Facebook or Instagram, tag @y_guides. • Use the form on the back to list the parks you visited.
2 Explore two sections of Triangle Greenways that you haven’t visited before. Find a scenic path out to Umstead Park, a bridge across the Neuse, or bike along the American Tobacco Trail. There are so many possibilities! List what you did and where, on the back of this sheet. Explore Greenway Maps:
Raleigh - raleighnc.gov/greenways
Cary - townofcary.org/recreation-enjoyment/parks-greenways-environment/greenways
Chapel Hill - townofchapelhill.org/government/departments-services/parks-and-recreation/ greenways
Durham - durhamnc.gov/1031/Durham-Bike-Hike-Map
Morrisville - townofmorrisville.org/government/departments-services/parks-recreationcultural-resources/parks-and-greenways
1 Complete one service project (father and child) of your choosing to help make our community an even better place to live! This could be a park clean-up, a service activity at a park or school, volunteering at a food bank, you name it – the options are limitless! You can earn other patches while completing the Captain’s Challenge - Earn your yellow leaf while hiking the greenway. Go camping overnight in a new park and earn your white leaf. Work toward your second year campfire award by planning a crew bike ride, etc.
You are encouraged to post pictures on your social media, tag Y Guides, and use our hashtag #YGuidesAdventure to share the message with others.