Back from Wild West Spring Outing and missing it already?
Bring camp to your house with these fun activities for you and your Little Princesses or Guides.
- Have a Nature Scavenger Hunt in your neighborhood. Send your Guides/ Princesses out with a chaperone to find nature right in your own backyard!
- Pet Rock 2.0: Ramp up the Pet Rock experience for your Guides/ Princesses. Create dominos, doorstoppers or even bookends with these fun ideas. All you need is your imagination, some paint and a couple a rocks from your yard. The possibilities are endless!
- Have a fire pit? Grab your Guides/ Princesses to make s'mores and sing camp songs around the fire!
- Continue working on your archery skills with this mini bow-and-arrow set.
Experience Camp This Summer
Are your Guides/ Princesses begging to go back to camp?
This summer, there lots of opportunities right down the road at your YMCA! Ys across the Triangle offer all-day and half-day summer camps with activities that include swimming, hiking, archery, sports, games, devotions and arts & crafts. The fun just keeps on going!