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Missing Spring Outing Already?

April 28, 2014

Back from Wild West Spring Outing and missing it already? 

Bring camp to your house with these fun activities for you and your Little Princesses or Guides. 

  • Have a Nature Scavenger Hunt in your neighborhood. Send your Guides/ Princesses out with a chaperone to find nature right in your own backyard!
  • Pet Rock 2.0: Ramp up the Pet Rock experience for your Guides/ Princesses. Create dominos, doorstoppers or even bookends with these fun ideas. All you need is your imagination, some paint and a couple a rocks from your yard. The possibilities are endless!
  • Have a fire pit? Grab your Guides/ Princesses to make s'mores and sing camp songs around the fire!
  • Continue working on your archery skills with this mini bow-and-arrow set

Experience Camp This Summer

Are your Guides/ Princesses begging to go back to camp?

This summer, there lots of opportunities right down the road at your YMCA! Ys across the Triangle offer all-day and half-day summer camps with activities that include swimming, hiking, archery, sports, games, devotions and arts & crafts. The fun just keeps on going!