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Tribe of the Month: Wild Squirrels

May 12, 2015

Through the Y Guides program, tribes become closer and more connected to each other and the community. During the first two years, tribes are focused on growing and creating a bond that can last a lifetime. During the third year, the year of service, tribes are encouraged to go out into the community and give back to others. 

Each month we highlight a tribe that has given back. Whether it is through raising donations for the Annual Campaign, participating in our Stop Hunger Now event or serving at a food bank, these tribes have made a big difference to those around them.

Tribe of the Month: Wild Squirrels

This year, the Wild Squirrels have been busy giving back to their community through the Y Guides program. The tribe, along with other Y Guides tribes, prepared over 6000 meals during the annual Y Guides Stop Hunger Now event. They also served at the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina, volunteered at a pet food drive at the Wake County Animal Center, separated clothing for needy children in partnership with the Note In The Pocket organization and worked with Project Linus, which provides blankets for seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need adults and children. As a tribe, they also raised $500 for Annual Campaign.

These events and opportunities opened the eyes of both the little princesses and the big guides. They not only saw the impact that they made, but also the impact that the community can make when it comes together for greater good. After witnessing this, they realized that they could make a difference by helping out in their own little ways. 

"Working together as volunteers brought the best out in our tribe," said Miller Lawson, a member of the tribe. "The girls were eager to work and did not want the events to be over. They wanted to do more."

These experiences have inspired the tribe to continue to serve, both as individuals and together, in the years to come.

"This year, the Y Guides program has opened our eyes to other ways to give back in our everyday lives. For example, every year we do park clean ups. As a result, when we camp just for fun, we are now aware of leaving the area cleaner than we found it. We see the need in the community around us, whether it is trash to be picked up, meals provided, or clothing/ blankets donated to those who need it most. That, to us, is an invaluable trait that we will carry with us long after we move on from the Y Guides program."

To see more about what the Wild Squirrels are all about, check out their video!

Interested in being our featured tribe of the month? Contact Blue Dolphin and share what your tribe has been up to.