As you prepare for an amazing year with Y Guides, here are a few insider tips to help get your tribe started. Before the first meeting with your guides and princesses, make sure to schedule a Dads only meeting. At this meeting we recommend planning out the whole year with the dads in your tribe, use our Planning Your Year 2017-18 Guide to help you get organized.
Schedule time at your tribe's first meeting to come up a with a tribe name. Before committing to a tribe name, take a look at 2017 Existing Tribe Names Packet. Once your tribe has decided on a name, email us at with your new name and the temporary tribe name you received at the First Year Dad training.
Take a look at a few other helpful tools.
Have you added pairs to your tribe? Make sure they fill out a Registration Form and grab a kit from our office located at 801 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 200, Raleigh, NC 27607. Office hours are from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Check in at our front desk and we can get you squared away with everything you need.
First-year tribes can expect Spring Outing assignments in early October. Please make sure you coordinate this date with your tribe.
We look forward to seeing you at Camp Kanata for Fall Outing. Click here for dates and additional information.