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Give Back With Your Tribe This Holiday Season

November 10, 2014

The Holiday Season is ramping up! Take this opportunity to bond with your tribe through giving back to the community.

Looking for ideas? 

  • Have a tribe meeting focused on gratitude: Start by having your little Guides/ Princesses create a list of everything they are thankful for. Then, as a craft, you can have them draw out the thing that they are most grateful for this season. Frame it and give it to them at the end of the meeting to put up on their wall. By looking at it each day, they can continue to remember to live a life of gratitude each and every day!
  • Adopt a Tribe: Give a tribe the chance to partipate in Y Guides for a year through our Annual Campaign. Make a pledge, as a tribe, for $1,070 and join our Golden Feather Society
  • Give back to the community by participating in a service project: Not sure where to start? We have a long list of resources that you can start with. Follow it up with a tribe meeting to recap what your little Princesses/ Guides learned from the experience. 
  • Team up with your local YMCA branch and give back: The YMCA has a lot of great volunteer opportunities that you can participate in during the holiday season. You don't have to be a member to help! 
Here are some service volunteer events that you can participate in this holiday season:

What are you doing, as a tribe, to give back this holiday? Share your story with us by emailing us

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!