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Spring Outing Is Here!

March 18, 2015

It's time to enjoy Spring Outing with your tribe!

Find out all you need to know about Spring Outing HERE

Bond with your child and tribe and enjoy the spring weather in a unique and fun way at the beautiful Camp Sea Gull and Camp Seafarer. As you round up your tribe and begin to prepare for your weekend, here are some tips from our Y Guides Nation's Officers:

  • Don't forget to complete your Chief's Challenge before you get to camp to recieve a special patch! Share photos of your activities on Twitter: tag us at @ArapahoeNation #StartStrongStayStrong or #chiefschallenge
  • A tribe cookout at the cabin on the first night is a great way to kick off the weekend.  It doesn’t need to be fancy! 
  • Bikes are great to get you around camp. 
  • A tribe golf outing is always a fun time. Plan some time to do this at Camp Sea Gull or Camp Seafarer. 
  • Take full advantage of Sunday. Stay and enjoy the day with your little guide or princess, these are moments you will never forget. 
  • Make sure to have rain gear. Bring more clothes than you think you need. Weather changes a lot on the coast and you never know what you are going to get into with your little guide or princess! It is also a great idea to bring some cabin activities and games in case of inclement weather. 
  • Maximize all program time, don’t try to accomplish everything on Saturday morning. Enjoy the structured time and lines will decrease by the afternoon. You don't want to expend all your energy that morning before the camp fire!
Have fun and create memories with your child during this unforgettable weekend. Whether you are digging for shark’s teeth, aiming a bow and arrow, or just goofing around, you will create memories that will live on forever.  
Have tips you want to share? Share them with us on Twitter!