News and Events
December 15, 2014
Hello everyone, my name is Jenn Hall, also known as Blue Dolphin!I am originally from Louisville, KY and graduated with a BS degree in Exercise Science and Psychology from the University of Kentucky (Go Wildcats!). My love for health and wellness led me to Oxford, MS where I completed a master’s d… read more
November 10, 2014
The Holiday Season is ramping up! Take this opportunity to bond with your tribe through giving back to the community. Looking for ideas? Have a tribe meeting focused on gratitude: Start by having your little Guides/ Princesses create a list of everything they are thankful for. Then, as a craft, you… read more
September 23, 2014
As you start your year with your tribe, jump into one of the many Y Guides events in your community! Whether you are a second year, looking for fun outings to do with your tribe, or a third year, looking for opportunities to give back to your community, we have ideas for you! October:October 4: Umst… read more
June 20, 2014
The Y Guides experience is one that sticks with you, even into adulthood. The program began to shape Brett Austin’s life forty-one years ago. As a first grader, he couldn’t wait to spend more quality time with his dad, Standing Horse. “I will always remember that my dad didn’t just let me ride on hi… read more
June 3, 2014
Y Guides is a magical time for you and your child. Stay connected and continue to create memories with your child through the Trailblazers program. This program is a wonderful way to continue fostering a strong relationship with your child in fourth grade through high school and beyond. Not only are… read more
May 20, 2014
As she gears up for the zip line, Tiger Lilly is visibly nervous. “It’s just like a big slide,” Wykeshia Jones, a Camp Sea Gull staff member, says as she steps up to the top, “This line can hold an elephant!” Tiger Lilly giggled and began to relax. Her dad stood at the zip line beside her as she de… read more