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News and Events

September 25, 2017
As you prepare for an amazing year with Y Guides, here are a few insider tips to help get your tribe started. Before the first meeting with your guides and princesses, make sure to schedule a Dads only meeting. At this meeting we recommend planning out the whole year with the dads in your tribe, use… read more
August 23, 2017
Hey everybody, My name is Chas “Swift Arrow” Sharp and I am stoked to be joining the Y Guides team.  You might remember me from Spring Outings down at Camp Sea Gull and Camp Seafarer the past few years where I worked for Camp.  I am no stranger to the YMCA or Y Guides, having participated in Y Guide… read more
July 27, 2017
Second and third year dads, we hope you are enjoying the summer. We are gearing up for another amazing year with Y Guides!Please note that your program fees are due on Friday, August 25 for the upcoming program year to avoid additional fees. Click here to log in to your YMCA of the Triangle account… read more
May 9, 2017
Hey All! My name is Caitlin “Spotted Turtle” Herrion and I am originally from Massachusetts. I moved down the east coast growing up. I graduated from J.H. Rose High School in Greenville, NC and then received a degree in Elementary Education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. After g… read more
May 8, 2017
Through the Y Guides program, tribes become closer and more connected to each other and the community. During the first two years, tribes are focused on growing and creating a bond that can last a lifetime. During the Third Year, the year of service, tribes are encouraged to go out into the communit… read more
January 20, 2017
Coming back from a Spring Outing last year, I happily took the off-ramp to the newly completed Highway 70 bypass around Goldsboro. No more stop lights. No more traffic. Just 4 lanes of divided highway, and I'd be that much closer to home...closer to work...closer to after-school activities...closer… read more