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Tribe of the Month: Last Unicorns

April 7, 2015

Through the Y Guides program, tribes become closer and more connected to each other and the community. During the first two years, tribes are focused on growing and creating a bond that can last a lifetime. During the third year, the year of service, tribes are encouraged to go out and give back to others. 

Each month we will highlight a tribe that has given back. Whether it is through raising donations for the Annual Campaign, participating in our Stop Hunger Now event or volunteering at a local homeless shelter, these tribes have made a big difference to those around them.

April's Tribe of the Month is the Last Unicorns! 

This tribe has given back in big ways. This year, they participated in the Stop Hunger Now event at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds, collected food and other supplies and prepped bag lunches for distribution by St. Philip Lutheran Church, participated in the Salvation Army “Angel Tree” program, and participated in the Raleigh/Wake County partnership “Help the Homeless” program. These activities not only impacted those that they helped, but the tribe as well. 

"I love that we are able to help people and work together as a tribe," said Singing Dolphin. 

As a result of working together, the bond between the tribe members grew and the children and dads began to see the impact they can make on a regular basis. 

Baby Bear commented, "It felt good to give blankets to the homeless to keep them warm. Through working with the "Help the Homeless" program, we were able to help people who have nothing. Because of us, they will now stay warm at night."

Last Unicorns not only donated their time and services. They also gave back through raisng funds as a tribe. After saving for an entire year, the tribe donated the money they raised to organizations that place dogs and cats in a safe home.

"We learned that our tribe has both dog lovers and cat lovers," said Dancing Emerald, "and that we all enjoy each other's company when we are helping others and doing service projects."

Through these acts of kindness, the tribe has made a difference in more ways than one, all while growing closer to one another as a tribe. 

Interested in being our featured tribe of the month? Contact Blue Dolphin and share what your tribe has been up to.