Through the Y Guides program, tribes become closer and more connected to each other and the community. During the first two years, tribes are focused on growing and creating a bond that can last a lifetime. During the third year, the year of service, tribes are encouraged to go out into the community and give back to others.
Each month we highlight a tribe that has given back. Whether it is through raising donations for the Annual Campaign, participating in our Stop Hunger Now event or serving at a food bank, these tribes have made a big difference to those around them.
Tribe of the Month: WAKE FOREST Crazy Cooters
The Crazy Cooters have made a large impact on their community through acts of service with their tribe. They strived to do as much around the theme of service as possible in all of their activities.
After saving up their donations for three years, the Crazy Cooters used the money to dedicate a bench on the Neuse Trail. As a result, they received a plaque with their names on a mile-long stretch of trail. The tribe visits the area every three months to pick up trash and clean. The boys have fun being outside and collecting the trash and love seeing the impact their donations have made.
“Taking our donations and being able to dedicate a bench on the Neuse Trail that all the little Guides could come see brought a sense of pride to me and the tribe. We felt good about what we accomplished. It also gives us a reason to keep the trail clean and continue to do acts of service in that area.” - Silver Wolf (Carter Dickinson)
In December, the little Guides decided to help raise money for the Salvation Army. The boys took two two hour shifts and raised close to a $1,000 dollars for the organization by ringing the bell. During that time, they spoke about Y Guides and celebrated the Christmas season of giving. It was a great way to bond as a tribe and give back to those in need.
“I loved helping the Salvation Army at Christmas because I got to ring the bell!” - Hard Cheetah (Issac Dickinson)
Many members of the Crazy Cooters of Wake Forest helped raise awareness and money around children's cancer research. They participated in an event put on for the St. Baldricks Foundation, a volunteer-driven charity committed to funding the most promising research to find cures for childhood cancers and give survivors long, healthy lives.
Over the last three years, the Crazy Cooters have raised almost $10,000 for this charitable organization. They also shaved their heads to raise awareness and fund life-changing research to help every child diagnosed with cancer.
This year alone, the tribe raised $5,847 for the organization. They were ranked 4th overall for the amount raised. As a result, they were able to get on stage and be recognized. This gave the little guides a great feeling of pride.
"The most memorable act of service we did was St. Baldricks. We brought awareness to children’s cancer and raised lots of money for the charity. I also got to do it every year with my friend, Sky Hawk!” - Little Gator (Robbie Harper)
Although this has been a fantastic year of service for the tribe, they are just getting started. They have raised over $500 for the Annual Campaign and are making plans for their next service event.
“The projects we participated in this year gave each little Guides and their dads a sense of purpose. Giving back to the community helped bring everyone closer.” - Big Chompin’ Gator (Rob Harper)
Interested in being our featured tribe of the month? Contactus and share what your tribe has been up to.