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News and Events

September 4, 2013
We wanted to let you know about increased bear activity in the North Carolina mountains, and near Camp Rockmont, in recent weeks.Know that any time you camp in the mountains of North Carolina, bear sightings are possible.Please know that we keep you and your child’s safety as a top priority. We have… read more
June 5, 2013
Looking for ways to outsmart Mother Nature during the summer? The Y offers hundreds of ways you can beat the heat.6 ways to keep your cool#1 SwimmingWhat better place to swim than the YMCA? We have indoor and outdoor pools, swimming lessons for babies, kids and adults, water fitness classes and dedi… read more
May 28, 2013
Charles Austin just finished his 40th year volunteering for the Y Guides program this spring at Camp Sea Gull and Seafarer. Standing Horse, as Austin is more commonly known, has been the Nation Storyteller for the Arapahoe Nation since 1973. Every Spring Outing weekend Standing Horse drives to Camp… read more
April 29, 2013
The Chief's Challenge is an activity that you can do as a father/child pair before you come to Spring Outing. This year's Chief Challenge is about the Arapahoe Nation's history from 1968-2013. Complete the activity and you'll get a Chief's Challenge patch at Spring Outing!Chief's ChallengeLook at th… read more
April 11, 2013
Take off your shoes on April 16. You won't be alone.  In fact, more than 400 million young people around the world go shoeless each day. It puts them at great risk of disease. Help raise awareness of this problem as part of One Day Without Shoes. Leave a footprintBy putting your bare foot forward, y… read more
March 26, 2013
Alexa “Dancing Bird” and Kyra “Twirling Monkey” were talking to their Dad one night concerning a tragedy that had happened in their neighborhood.  On January 7, 2013, Jason and Jessica Beyer endured a terrible event in their home in Raleigh, NC.  While they slept, two armed men invaded their home. H… read more